Blogging 101 Workshops

This interactive, 90-minute workshop is an excellent introduction into the world of blogging.   TOPICS INCLUDE: Defining the purpose of a blog How to write a blog post Writing awesome blog titles What are tags & categories Blog post frequency

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Is Your Business Taking its Daily “20-mile March?”

A member of my mastermind group recently forwarded me this video. Before watching, I was half expecting something that detailed a public event. In actuality, what I found was a message that was a lot more personal, and profound. It’s

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Posted in Bleets

Cuppa SEO Featured on InBusiness Madison’s “Open Mic”

Thanks to the team over at InBusiness Madison for highlighting my article, Blogging Tips: What is Your Title Really Saying? on their Open Mic blog. The article focuses on three tips which can help you create awesome blog titles that

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How to Manage Your SEO

Successful SEO goes way beyond keywords. From a global view it’s approximately 1/3 keywords, 1/3 rich content & 1/3 Google Places, Google+ & social media channels like Facebook & LinkedIn. Being able to manage all of these components means you’ve

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Cuppa SEO Shares Tips for Digital Success with the PRSA of Milwaukee

Joey was interviewed at the PRSA Milwaukee monthly meeting in January of 2014. This video details successful SEO tips for blogging and press releases, as well as what to avoid when writing content for the web. For more details on

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SEO Keywords are Like the Frosting on a Cake

Although instrumental to the success of a website or blog, SEO is often misunderstood. The general perception is that SEO is all about keywords and keyword phrases. And although these are important, SEO is much more than keywords. To me,

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How to Communicate Better on Your Website

Welcome to Cuppa SEO. My name is Joey Donovan Guido and today we’re going to be talking about how we can communicate better with the people who visit our web sites. It’s a very simple concept that’s often overlooked: Start

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What is a Bleet?

A bleet is the marriage of a blog post and a tweet — resulting in an opportunity to express oneself in 420 characters or less (that’s triple the character count of a tweet). The idea is to offer more substance

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Top 10 Google Panda Do’s and Don’ts

Have you heard of Google Panda? He’s very smart. And although he’s cute, you don’t want to get on his bad side. Simply put, Google Panda is an algorithm that that filters websites into two main groups — sites it

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Caffeinated: A Cuppa SEO Comic, Issue #1

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Posted in SEO, Web Design
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