In today’s golden age of online marketing, the answer to this question would certainly be yes. Although a better question would be HOW should the Ghostbusters use social media, and WHO should be creating the content? In order to know…
In today’s golden age of online marketing, the answer to this question would certainly be yes. Although a better question would be HOW should the Ghostbusters use social media, and WHO should be creating the content? In order to know…
… It may resemble you, and it may sound like you. But in the end, your social media is only a very thin sliver of who you actually are. The real you is far more robust and interesting. The truth is that…
As Google+ diminishes in importance, much to the delight of many small business owners, it’s important to remember that Google My Business still plays a huge role in the success of the local business. The problem is, many small business…
When designing a website, one of our primary goals is to ensure our client’s unique personality shines through. Keeping this in mind, it’s obvious that using stock photos — especially generic ones — is only going to give visitors the impression…
Shocking as it may be, the one-time deal is true. Well, at least partially. Perhaps a more accurate statement would be, “search engine optimization (SEO) for your website is a one-time deal.” When you think about it from a technology…
My family recently went on a trip to Oshkosh to see the LEGO art exhibit, The Art of the Brick, by Nathan Sawaya. During our trip we stayed at the Mariott Fairchild of Oshkosh. It’s a beautiful hotel and…
Name your images with optimal keywords BEFORE you upload them to your website or blog. “Logo.png” tells Google nothing about your image. Instead, use a relevant name like I did for this post: “CuppaSEOWebsiteOptimizationAndImageNaming1.” Optimize your Alt Image Text,…
If you’re a business owner, you’ve probably heard the term, “keywords” referred to more than once in relation to your website. And although you may know they’re a critical element in search engine optimization (SEO), you may be wondering what…
How much value is packed into what you do? Is it enough that your customers would wait for you to deliver the service or product for one, two or three months if they had to? Or is the value of what…
With a company name like Cuppa SEO, it’s probably easy to guess I’m a coffee fanatic. Madison, WI, has a lot of great coffee shops to choose from, and one of my favorites is a place called Colectivio. They have…