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Fresh-brewed Customer Spotlight: Singlewire Software

In this installment of our spotlight series, we’ll get to know Singlewire Software, a Cuppa SEO client that works with organizations worldwide in an effort to keep people safe. Who Are You? We develop and sell an emergency notification system called InformaCast.

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Posted in Inspiration

Blogging 101 Tips: How to Schedule Blog Posts

If you’re a blogger who likes to write more than one blog post at a time, or if you find yourself getting a few weeks ahead on your blog, this is when scheduling your blog posts comes into play. Scheduling allows you to

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Posted in Blogging, How To

The Best Way to Brew Fresh Content into Your Website

Once a month, Cuppa SEO presents a Facebook Live event called Five-minute Fridays. As you might have guessed, this five-minute video takes place on a Friday, and covers a topic associated with online marketing. In this installment of the series, we answer an

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Posted in Blogging, How To, SEO, Videos

Two-minute Tuesdays: Why Your Blog Needs to be a Subpage of Your Website

Once a month, Cuppa SEO presents a Facebook Live event called Two-minute Tuesdays. As you might have guessed, this is a two-minute video that covers a topic associated with online marketing. And of course, it occurs on a Tuesday. In this installment

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Posted in Blogging, How To, Videos, Web Design

The Dark Side of Conversion: Treating People Like Fish

After careful review of this blog title, you might be wondering — how in the world could a business treat a person like a fish? It’s pretty simple really. When trying to gain new clients or customers, some businesses perceive their potential

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Posted in Conversion, How To, Marketing

Blogging 101 Tips: Be the Expert

Being an expert in your industry makes it possible to provide relevant solutions to your customers. It also makes it easier to identify trends that can help your customers even further. And although experience can make you an expert, constant learning is also

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Posted in Blogging, How To

Web Design Tips: Avoid Carousels (Slideshows)

Website carousels, also referred to as slideshows or rotating offers, are something we find on a lot of websites. But they’re a bad user experience and they’re bad for conversion. As an organization, it’s always tempting to give MORE information

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Posted in Conversion, User Experience (UX), Web Design

The Pitfalls of Parallax Web Design

*Mobile users, please note: Your regularly scheduled blog post will appear beneath this extremely long parallax web page image …              Another somewhat popular web design format is parallax design. And although the name may not be overly familiar to

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Posted in How To, User Experience (UX), Web Design

Google My Business Tip #6: Manually Uploading Photos

Once upon a time, when you published a post on your Google My Business listing, you could tell Google to automatically add the photo in the post to your “Additional Photos” section. Those days are gone, at least for now,

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Posted in How To, Marketing, SEO

The Big Goal Cube: Identify & Accomplish Your Biggest Goal

As we roll into the new year, it’s quite possible you’ve started thinking about what you’d like to accomplish over the next 12-months. I know that’s been the case for me — both personally and professionally. This year, while reading

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Posted in How To, Inspiration
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